Join the BESA and Brain Vision team at The BESA Research Workshop, August 7 – August 9 at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Are you planning to use BESA Research in your EEG or MEG data analysis and want to get familiar with it before diving in? Or are you considering getting a license but want to experience its many strengths in action before deciding? Either way, this workshop is for you.
Members from BESA GmbH (the developers behind the BESA suite of software) as well as Brain Vision LLC (a distribution partner for BESA in the US) will lead this three-day workshop reviewing all the typical workflow steps in BESA Research from pre-processing through source analysis and even statistical analysis. Get familiar with the latest features and improvements in BESA Research v7.1, Connectivity v2.0, MRI v3.0, and Statistics v2.1.